Realtime Chat

Getting Started


1) nodejs 14.0.0~


1) git clone 2) yarn dev or npm i


In this example, we only used 3 files.

1) pages/index.vue

2) pages/index.ts

3) plugins/hexabase-sdk.ts


1) User authentication. currently this is fix value, but will update. this configuration is optional

// plugins/hexabase-sdk.ts
email: '',
password: 'test'

the class Hexabase is the main class for all static and non static objects needed to interact with hexabase. Hexabase class also initialize the app connection with session using email, and password using the static function initializeApp.

The initializeApp is ideal to use for opening connection or on a login page. this function also stores the JWT token to localStorage.

2) Getting Channel Items.

// pages/index.ts
let result = await this.items.getItemsAsync({
project_id: 'chat1_test', // project display ID
datastore_id: 'chat1_test_db1', // datastore display ID
per_page: 10,
page: 1,
use_display_id: true

3) Connecting to SSE (Server Sent Events).

// pages/index.ts
async InitChanOnClck(e: any)
// items.getItemHistories fetch item histories(アイテム一覧)
// public async getItemHistories(datastoreID: string, itemID: string): Promise<ItemHistories>
this.messages = await this.items.getItemHistories(`chat1`, e.key);
// sse.addEventListener function that adds eventListener to SSE instance, and parse the message from string to object
// this function also has a callback that can be used to process the message.
// the message in this instance unshift the `History` interface to `messages.histories` to display to the UI.
// public addEventListener(eventName: string, callback: any)
this.sse.addEventListener(`item_view_${e.key}_${this.currentUser.u_id}`, (e: any) =>
this.messages.histories.unshift({ // item histories(アイテム一覧)
history: { // message to push to the list
username: e.message.username,
comment: e.message.comment
} as History2
} as ItemMsgHistory);